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GMC Registered doctors
Accepted by Kirklees Council
Cheapest in the UK
Please do not make a booking unless you have access to your full medical records. If you are struggling to access your full medical records, please contact our team who will be able to assist.
Please call us on 0161 241 9622 for more information
Looking for a taxi medical for a different council? Click here
To drive a taxi in Kirklees, all drivers must pass a medical exam in line with DVLA Group 2 guidelines.MotorMedicals provides Kirklees Council Taxi Medicals for only £53, ensuring drivers meet the required Group 2 medical standards.
Find the full list of councils we cover here.
What’s Included in a Kirklees Taxi Medical at MotorMedicals?
When you book your Kirklees taxi medical at MotorMedicals for £53, your appointment will include:
Our experienced doctors ensure your medical is completed smoothly and efficiently.
MotorMedicals has received 5-star reviews from drivers across the UK, including those in Kirklees. Here’s what our clients say:
MotorMedicals offers convenient locations across the UK for your Kirklees taxi medical. With flexible appointment times and easy online booking, you can quickly schedule your £53 taxi medical at Call us on 0161 241 9622 or visit our website to find a clinic near you.
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Do you need a Taxi/ Private Hire medical? We have a great working relationship with hundreds of councils around the UK.
We have been authorised by the following councils to carry out medicals for their taxi drivers:
(Councils in bold and underlined text require the driver to obtain a medical summary from their GP which will need to be reviewed by our doctor in clinic.)
The following councils also require a proof of address:
If you have any questions, or require any further information, please call our team on 0161 241 9622 who will assist you further.
Below is a list of items you will need to bring to the doctor for your driver medical assessment:
Please book online by using the tab below, or call our team on 0161 241 9622 who will assist you further.
Once you have made the booking, you will receive a confirmation email & text message with the clinic details and further information regarding your medical.
Meet your GMC
registered doctor in clinic
Our clinics are growing in popularity so please book soon to avoid disappointment. See you in clinic!.
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